Jose Antonio Morales
(je strokovnjak za vse po malo, njegova strokovna področja so različna, med njimi: avtentično vodenje, avtentično podjetništvo, družbeni učinek, mednarodno mreženje, inovacije, razvoj programov usposabljanja, informacijske tehnologije, oblikovanje organizacijske kulture, decentralizirane organizacije, mentorstvo, svetovanje, coaching, Coworking)
I believe that fear, in its multiple shapes, is the bigger problem we face as individuals and as a civilization. It is responsible for extremism, violence, resistance to change, risk-intolerance, and it is the base for our insecurities and self-imposed limitations.
I support individuals and organizations to get into the process of fearlessness, creating along the way the conditions for extraordinary achievement.
My background is diverse, always entrepreneurial; it reflects my incessant wish to find answers, connect the dots, be authentic, and share my findings.
My customers and beneficiaries should expect specific and long-lasting results.
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